. How we work


Keeping your house cozy

A typical day with our system

Time 06:00 08:00 14:00 16:00 20:00 22:00
Temperature (without system) 8 °C 12 °C 32 °C 24 °C 20 °C 13 °C
System Display message to warm house up Display message to warm house up Fan turns on to cool house down Display message to show temperature is good Display message to show temperature is good Display message to warm house up

What we do

Once you let us know that you want our system , we will get started straight away start setting the system up for you.

We will hook our system up in your house, whenever it suits you!

We will install our temperature sensors and then install the fan. We will hook our system up to your airvents if your house has some.

Home vent

This picture shows our system in a house with vents

Our fan is hooked up inside the vents in your house. This allows us to ventilate your house. It is best to open windows while the fan is on to extract as much heat and CO2 as possible.

The temperature inside your house is constantly shown by our microbit which acts as a thermometer that displays temperature.

With our system , this is what the inside of your house will look like

Inside house

This picture shows our system in a house without vents

Please note : Vents are not necessary for this system to work. If you do have vents in your house, just let our staff know when they are at your house for the system installation.